Hogan Assessments deliver a detailed, science-based view of an individual and a team’s collective leadership skill. It spotlights the potential, motives and culture that may support or hinder a company’s future success.
The journey starts with a diagnostic discussion in which we develop a clear understanding of the leader’s business ambition, and then work with them to build the right solution that can include any or all of the following:
- Individual Assessment: Through the Hogan self-assessment or 360 understand strengths, potential derailers and drivers. Use these data points to create a development plan aimed to build self-awareness, improve performance , and ultimately ROI.
- Individual Coaching: Using the data points from the Hogan assessment improve effectiveness through focus, motivation, ongoing coaching and deliberate practice.
- Executive Teaming: Using the the Hogan Teams and/or High Performing Teams assessment, bring the Executive Team together to undretsand their potential, styles and gaps and the impact thier collective behaviours have in shaping the company sentiment and future success.
Hogan Assessments for Individuals – Leadership competency is driven by personality, intelligence, experience and behaviour choices.
The Hogan personality assessments capture natural and likely behaviour as seen by others. The HPI and HDI pinpoint behaviouraltendencies that can help or hinder one’s reputation. The MVPI pinpoints how one derives meaning at work and in their personal lives.
The Hogan 360 captures an individual’s workplace brand as typically seen by their manager, peers and direct reports.
Combining the 360 with the personality assessments captures the complete person. The 360 identifies “The What”, (i.e. a person’s performance and reputation at a given point in time) and the personality assessments explain “The Why”, (I.e. why certain behaviours are being displayed). The combination provides an overall measurement of leadership effectiveness.
With the help of Hogan, scores on the Team Report help NEW teams gain an understanding of what mix of skills would help them be more successful, what motives and values they have in common, and what shared challenges they might face as a team.
For EXISTING teams, the HPTA (High Performing Teams Assessment) is a 360 diagnostic that enables team members to gather feedback from themselves on the performance and culture of the team as a whole around 12 key characteristics, Further this team 360 can serve as a means of tracking change and shifts in the team performance and culture over time.