Our Way

“Your performance is equal to what you are capable of when you remove obstacles”.

This translates to a simple formula:


We work with leaders and teams in both the “increasing potential” (through learning new skills) and “decreasing interference” (or in Emotional Intelligence terms, understanding how our emotions, beliefs, and thinking patterns can get in our way) domains. By helping them be more transparent, curious, accountable & compassionate with each other they will create better relationships & results.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an individual, a team or an organisation, Ignitability has the experience and knowledge to achieve the change where it is needed.

Using Tim Gallwey’s above formula as a framework, our approach is built on three great rules of leadership:

  • Know thyself
  • Be authentic
  • Build trust

We measure our success through changes in our clients at an observable behavioural level as well as at a deeper more personal level.  The main benefits to our clients are – increased self-awareness, improved emotional intelligence, improved use of time and resources, improved communication, more productive relationships, and overall goal achievement.